• Orders will be shipped to United States domestic addresses via UPS and PO Box addresses via USPS Priority Mail.
• Orders placed before 1:00 pm CST will be shipped the same business day.*
• Orders placed after 1:00 pm CST on Friday will be shipped the following Monday.*
• A 10% Sales Tax will be charged on all orders shipped to addresses within the state of Alabama and orders where the "In-store Pickup" option is selected.
• Orders over $100.00 before tax or shipping charges and shipping within the U.S. will qualify for free ground shipping. Use code: FREESHIP at checkout. Sale items do not count toward the free shipping amount.
• "In-store Pickup" is available at our retail store at no charge. To pick up an order in store, you will need to select the "In-store Pickup" option during the checkout process and bring the e-mail receipt for the order and a valid photo ID to the following address:
Lily Pads Boutique
420 Main Ave.
Northport, AL 35476